Confluence Habitat, experimental tower, urban renewal
a3dc, Confluence Habitat’s colourist, has been asked to create a design for the Tour Expérimentale, an emblematic building from the 1970s located on the Montereau-Fault-Yonne plateau. After an overview of graphic trends that could serve as inspiration for the colour animation and decoration of the facades, this project will be part of the chromatic identity of the city, at the confluence of waters, by promoting the image of a city centred on culture and exchange.
Rehabilitating the iconic Tour Expérimentale in Montereau means bringing back up to date an innovative and emblematic modular and prefabricated architecture from the 70s. The height of the building and the systematic pre-constructed elements of the balconies give a highly visible rhythm to the architecture, which the choice of a3dc for a complementary super-graphic on the façade deconstructs and makes less present. The colour palette integrates the building into its environment, emphasising the interplay of shadows, as seen from the plateau on the distant, unobstructed horizons of the city and the river. A complementary programme of thermal insulation completes this high-quality urban renovation.
l'agence a3dc