

the decision of color in design is posed in terms of expression of the functionalities, the use of the product, in order to underline the technological or practical advances, the new intelligence of the product. To highlight what the product brings to the table, between service, function, product advantage, added value. This humble work of color, at the service of design and respectful of the product, is measured according to degrees of visibility and contrast, because a product is used in a precise context. Whatever its composition (different plastics, wood, glass, metal, lacquered coating…), a3dc likes to respect the raw expression of the material highlighted for its intrinsic chromatic qualities and intervenes as a complement to the designer’s work. In full collaboration for a collective work, the color will be able to intervene as a real added value, vector of information, personality and character. The essential asset of color is both its great economy and its unparalleled power of expression and attraction. Doing a lot with a little is the work of color. It is still necessary to master the use of color and use it appropriately. With accuracy and relevance, so that the colorations are perennial and adapt to the long rhythms of the industry, according to sustainable cycles of design, development and launch.

product design

together with the designer, we will ask the fundamental questions of a successful global design: how to choose the right color for the design? How to emphasize novelty and functionality? How to give a product all its quality, value and strength? How to make a design intelligent through color? An exceptional color combination? A successful harmony? A mission resulting from dialogue and collective work…

Chartes couleur du groupe SEB a3dc Atelier 3D couleur

color marketing

together with the company and its sales and marketing departments, we will ask strategic questions: how to legitimately choose the right color for the new product in relation to the brand’s DNA? How to find the right color for a given market, a specific marketing positioning, a target audience? How to offer a colored range of products to its market? How to mark the levels of the range and segment its offer? A mission resulting from dialogue and collective work…

Arjowiggins, papiers fins & de création - a3dc - collections couleurs