l'actualité a3dc

Presentation by a3dc color experts at the Paris School of Decorative Arts (ensAD)

Adrien Maschino and Marie Fournier, a3dc color experts, spoke to students at the École des Arts Décoratifs de Paris.

They presented a3dc’s space coloring projects and our methodology based on the geography of color®, an approach inherited from Jean-Philippe Lenclos, to students in their 2nd year of interior design.

During the talk, we shared our experience as color designers, highlighting the importance of the choice of color in an architectural project. It was an opportunity to talk to the students and answer their questions about the significant impact that color has on the perception of spaces, on occupants and on their well-being. 🌈 🏡

When it comes to color, there are as many possible answers as there are materials, architecture and users, so defining it is a matter of meticulousness and, above all, expertise 💪🎨


Marie Fournier-Designer-couleur-coloriste-arts-décoratifs-paris-a3dc-Agence-design-couleur-atelier 3D couleur
Marie Fournier experte couleur a3dc
Adrien-maschino-Designer-couleur-coloriste-arts-décoratifs-paris-a3dc-Agence-design-couleur-atelier 3D couleur
Adrien Maschino expert couleur a3dc

Adrien-maschino-Designer-couleur-coloriste-arts-décoratifs-paris-a3dc-Agence-design-couleur-atelier 3D couleur